About Me.
I'm a 22 year old software developer, mostly interested in everything web, currently working as a frontend developer at KredX.
My interest towards computers started back when I was in 9th grade. My journey on the internet began as a blogger, back when I used to run a tech blog writing and sharing articles on everything I learned.
This helped me network and grow connections amongst the fraternity and make some money as well, haha. Eventually, things got serious when I got into coding and development. I've always wanted to(still do) build cool stuff that could impact/be used by lots of people.
Initially I began developing apps for Android, tried my hands-on backend and iOS development and currently pursuing frontend web development. I'm also an open source enthusiast and often make contributions to the projects I use/find interesting. I always take keen interest in learning new things and use the power of code to make this a world better place.