
  1. Software Engineer - Frontend | KredXLatest

    Started full time career as a software engineer

  2. WWDC 2021 | Apple

    Won the WWDC scholarship event conducted by Apple.

  3. Technical writing | Medium, Freecodecamp

    Started writing technical articles on various platforms.

  4. Freelancing | Web and app developer

    Freelanced as a web and mobile app devloper on Fiverr for a short period of time.

  5. App dev | Phase Shift

    Volunteerd and developed mobile application for BMSCE's annual tech symposium, PhaseShift.

  6. University | BMSCE, Bengaluru

    Majoring in Information Science and Engineering.

  7. School | Kendriya Vidayala, BEML.

    Primary and secondary schooling. CBSE boards.

  8. Blogging | Bizzflies

    Ran and maintained a tech blog for over a year.

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